Status of the entreprise & the association
UID (Central Business Name Index) : CHE-172.418.238
STATUS : Active
SEAT : 1296 Coppet
PROPOSE : Acquisition of exploitation rights as well as production, distribution, broadcasting, and any other form of exploitation of recordings, images, and sounds, marketing, sale of derivative products, production of related goods, and provision of related services as well as the acquisition and evaluation of other commercial property rights and the execution of all related transactions; may create branches and subsidiaries.
Legal form, purpose and seat
Under the name of the Don Trotti Records, a profit entreprise is established governed by the present statutes and following of the Swiss Civil Code.
The Association aims to:
The seat of the Association is at Sukuta Intersection, Sukuta, Don Trotti Records. Its duration is unlimited.
The organs of the Association are:
The resources of the Association are constituted by ordinary or extraordinary contributions of its members, donations, or legacies, by the belly of products derived, products or service of the activities of the Association and, where appropriate, by subsidies. public authorities.
The financial year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year.
Its commitments are secured by its property, to the exclusion of any personal liability of its members.
Any person or organization interested in achieving the objectives set out in Art.
To the best of its ability, the Association plans to produce a newsletter for members and people close to the Association.
The association is composed of:
A. Individual members;
B. Collective members;
Admission requests are sent to the Committee by mail or email. The Committee admits new members and informs the General Assembly of their accessions.
Membership is lost:
Exclusion is the responsibility of the Committee. The person concerned may appeal against this decision to the General Assembly. Repeated non-payment of contributions (two years) results in the exclusion of the Association.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme power of the Association. It includes all members of it.
The powers of the Assembly are as follows. It :
The General Assembly may seize or be seized of any object that it has not entrusted to another body.
Meetings are convened at least 14 days in advance by the Committee. The Committee may convene extraordinary general meetings as often as the need arises.
The Assembly is chaired by the President or another member of the Committee present at these meetings.
Decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote.
Voting is by show of hands. At the request of at least five members, they will be held by secret ballot. There is no proxy vote.
The Assembly meets at least once a year at the invitation of the Committee.
The agenda of the annual (so-called ordinary) meeting necessarily includes:
The Committee is required to put on the agenda of the General Assembly (ordinary or extraordinary) any proposal of a member presented in writing at least 14 days in advance.
The Extraordinary General Assembly meets when convened by the Committee or at the request of one-fifth of the members of the Association.
The Committee executes and applies the decisions of the General Assembly. He leads the Association and takes all necessary measures to achieve the goal. The Committee decides on all matters that are not expressly reserved for the General Assembly.
The Committee is composed of at least five members, appointed for two years by the General Assembly. They are eligible for re-election as many times as the General Assembly may decide. The Committee constitutes itself. It meets as many times as the affairs of the Association require.
The Association is validly bound by the collective signature of two members of the Committee.
The Committee is responsible for:
The Committee is responsible for maintaining the accounts of the Association.
The committee hires (salaried) salaried and voluntary employees of the Association. He may entrust to any person of the Association or outside the Association a limited term mandate.
Body of control
The audit body verifies the financial management of the Association and presents a report to the General Assembly. It consists of two auditors elected by the General Assembly.
The dissolution of the Association is decided by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the members present. The contingent asset will be allocated to an organization proposing to achieve similar goals.
Adopted Status
The present statutes were adopted by the constitutive assembly of 31.12.23 in Coppet, Switzerland
Don Trotti Records
Phone : +41 79 944 80 41
Phone : +66 65 319 7944
Phone : +232 9988 9435